
Thursday, July 20, 2017

Breastfeeding Basics Shared By Experts To New Mums

As what most women say, having a baby is the number one factor that completes them. Bearing a child, giving birth and becoming a mother are among the most rewarding things a woman will experience in her lifetime. However, along with such blessing is a great responsibility especially in ensuring your baby has everything he or she needs as he/she grows up which includes feeding him or her with healthy food.

One of the most important things a new mother should learn is about breastfeeding. There are breastfeeding basics shared by health experts so new mums will have a guide. Check out the following.

Know the signs of a hungry baby. The infant is hungry if he opens and closes his mouth frequently, and sucks his lips, fingers, hands or his clothes. Other signs of hunger will include moving his head firmly from side to side and crying.

Learn a few techniques of feeding your baby when he is feeling drowsy or sleepy. Feed your child even when he is drowsy or asleep. If you want to wake him up to eat, strip off his clothes, give him a warm bath, pat his hands and feet, or gently rub his back in a circling motion.

Although some mums say that breastfeeding is a little painful, breastfeeding should not be painful.
 There is something wrong with how the baby is latched on if it hurts. So take him off and start again.

One more thing that you need to know is burping. You need to burp your baby at the end of the feed or when switching breasts. Some babies may need more burping than the others – this varies from feeding to feeding and with what you have been eating. You might need to burp him more frequently if your child spits up a lot. But he must not vomit after feeding. If so, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Overall, you should breastfeed your child as long as you possibly can. But if this is not possible, ask his paediatrican about the most suitable alternative to natural milk to ensure that your baby still gets the right nutrition needed. Always ask an expert's help and learn more about breastfeeding basics from them.

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