
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Why Holiday Accommodation Owners Need To Carry Out Regular Legionella Water Testing

trusted Legionella testing specialists
The Legionella bacterium remains one of the most lethal and deadliest species of bacteria that unfortunately, has not been fully eradicated. Since they live and thrive in areas with warm water, such as tanks, pools, spas and Jacuzzis, this particular type of bacteria will continue to survive and breed.

Their presence in residential and commercial properties can be easily detected when regular Legionella water testing is carried out. And when they are discovered, the necessary steps and procedures to control and eradicate them in a certain property can be immediately done thus preventing the bacteria from further spreading.

The Importance Of Regular Legionella Water Testing

Commercial property owners, particularly the ones that have and manage holiday accommodations, need to have their water systems regularly checked for Legionella. 

licensed Legionella water testing experts
 Hotel and holiday let owners and managers need to have their plumbing and water systems regularly tested for the presence of Legionella during off-peak seasons. This is because the hot water pipes become inactive and would make convenient breeding grounds for the Legionella bacteria. The relative size and layout of hotels can also cause some faucets, showers or outlets to unsuccessfully attain the high temperature required to prevent Legionella growth and as such, to detect and eliminate them, water testing must also be frequently done.

Camping sites owners and managers also need to have regular water testing services done in their premises as well.  Toilet and shower cubicles usually found in caravan and camping sites will go unused for a relatively long time as well, during off-peak months. They will also attract the Legionella bacteria and they will certainly thrive in such systems. To promptly control and prevent their spread, frequent Legionella testing in the water and plumbing systems found in camping sites have to be implemented.

Source: is a good website to visit to learn more about the Legionella bacteria and how to detect their presence in commercial and residential properties.

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